Sara offered clear and detailed feedback on the submission pages of my middle grade novel, addressing my specific concerns and pinpointing areas requiring attention. Her suggestions resonated, and I was inspired to revise my work. Her approach and expertise are invaluable, and I highly recommend her services.
Rosanna Montanaro

what I offer you

query or synopsis critique

I will offer suggestions on how to tighten your query and point out what is missing.


submission pages feedback

I will provide overall feedback on your first 25 pages: pacing, plot points, language, dialogue, etc.


chapter line edits

I will provide line edits on any one of your chapters. For multiple chapters, adjust the price accordingly. Contact me about pricing for full book line edits.


full book developmental feedback

I will provide overall feedback on pacing, plot points, language, dialogue, character development, etc.


first-page critique

I will tell you what I think is working about your first page and what I think isn't working.

FREE: simply email your double-spaced first page to 
